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How Do You Deal With Anger?

2003 ST.ANGERMorning Coffee- How Do You Handle Anger?

At one point in my life I didn’t handle anger too well, either my own anger
or someone else’s. I would either shut down or breakout into rages. As I
grew older I began to realize that the anger that I experienced as a young girl
was there to protect me, because I had experienced so much violence growing up.

Through the years, with the help of therapy, I began to realize that my anger was pushing
people away. Now, I am not saying anger is a bad thing, because it isn’t. When I am
angry, I allow myself to feel it and many times, because I can deal with that powerful energy
in a healthier way, I can speak to the person I am upset with, without them feeling as
though they were hit by a mack truck. Most of the times I am okay handling my anger
or someone else’s but every once in awhile I don’t realize the full power that’s coming
at the other person when I express myself when I’m angry. Other times I allow myself
to feel the anger and then just let it go. It’s not worth holding onto or speaking to the
person that triggered my anger. And every once in awhile, if I am dealing with someone
who has a temper, I just won’t dialogue with them and their ranting on and on. If I can
genuinely try to work out a situation I will try my best.

Other times, if I meetup with an angry stranger on a bus, in the street, I just ignore them.  I know in their own way they are trying to communicate with me, but I don’t feel safe enough to deal with them.

I know most people have a challenging time dealing with anger in their lives.  How do you deal with anger?

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