Archive for the ‘Clients’ Category
You Can Be An Ethical Activist In The Work You Do by Sherri Rosen
You can be an ethical activist in any work you do! I’ve done it for years! Working with authors who are making the world a better place & saying “no”when I don’t believe in a book! Sometimes when saying “no” the lack of funds hurts,...
Interview w/Dr.Robert Tostado-author of wtf* is wrong with your health
Sherri Rosen- Why did you leave family practice/ traditional medicine and go into regenerative medicine? Dr. Tostado-My gut told me something was wrong with our way of treating patients, we were trained to prescribe something for every symptom...
Mamma and How I Learned To Honor Women by Sherri Rosen
Mother was a piece of work! I grew up in New England in a place called Lynn, Mass. Our home was one block away from the ocean. That was my consolation. The inside of my home was like what I call “the hell realm”. I was the scapegoat for my...
Realizing How Deeply I Loved Them–After They’ve Died by Sherri Rosen
I’ve always been one that shows my love and affection to people that I deeply care about. I’ve always felt I don’t want to wait until after they die and then be sorry I never told or showed them how much I loved them. I don’t take that for...
When I Fall In Love by Sherri Rosen
The title of my story “When I Fall In Love” comes from an old song sung by Nat King Cole, and then done many years later virtually, after Nat King Cole died, with his daughter, the talented, Natalie Cole. They both were amazing and gifted...
I Was Changed Forever When Trump Got Nominated… Sherri Rosen
It happened the day I found out that Agent Orange (cannot even call him by his name) was running to become President. I witnessed such evil in this man and his entire family that I knew I could no longer accept what was being thrown at me for...
A Field of Buttercups-A Memory of Love by Sherri Rosen
One summer when Henry and I didn’t have our children we took a vacation driving to Quebec. It was a very boring ride because there were just miles and miles of uninteresting scenery, no people, then you would come upon a community of houses...
Guest Blogger-Tiffany Fisher-Say Goodbye to the Starving Artist-Sherri Rosen Publicity LLC
Say Goodbye to the Starving Artist: 5 Side Gigs that Pay the Bills Talent is rarely enough to make it as an artist. You also need time, materials, and networking opportunities to create and market yourself. Unfortunately, that’s not easy to do...
Border Crisis-How You Can Help-Sherri Rosen
This list was compiled through Elizabeth Cronise McGlaughlin. Please share: Below please find some resources that have been repeatedly suggested to us for donations, support and action targets. There's more coming but I don't want to hold...
The Suicides of 2 Famous People–Is It Symptomatic of Our Disconnect?
Sadden by both Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain’s suicides within a week of one another. Both were extremely talented and creative and shared their uniqueness with all of us. But are their deaths symptomatic of our disconnect with one...