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Who Me Meditate?

At the beginning of the New Year I had posted 10 Tips on Keeping Healthy in 2011 and one of the suggestions was meditation.

When meditation was first suggested to me years ago my reaction was “Who Me Meditate?” The thought of sitting with myself and not doing anything else was crazy making for me. So I decided to do it for at least 5 minutes a day. That was all I could tolerate. I slowly, very slowly from the 5 mins. began to increase the time, in small increments, of meditation each day.

My mind was crazy with thoughts. So crazy that I thought I was hopeless when I first began meditating. I would wander, fantasize, fall asleep, judge myself, until I began to realize that this is what we do to ourselves on a daily basis. We beat ourselves up. And I found that meditation isn’t something that would help calm me down immediately, but it began to give me an awareness of just how many crazy making thoughts we all have.

I didn’t give up and began to see that my mind did become calmer, and it began to affect how I would live my daily life. Such as making more rational decisions, being in touch when I was fearful and realizing not making decisions coming from that fear based placed, how judgemental I was, and how I wasn’t being supportive to myself. This isn’t an overnight process, it takes a long time and I also began to learn about patience towards myself and others.

My life and decision making has changed dramatically since meditating, and I so urge you to begin and begin now, even if it’s for 5 minutes a day. You will slowly begin to see what kind of a “monkey mind” you have and learn about calming yourself down and relaxing and being in the moment.

Both of your personal and business decisions will change and you will see that your health will improve. Who wouldn’t feel better feeling calmer, more relaxed, making decisions from a stable place rather than out of fear. It will open you up to many possibilities, your creativity and innovativeness. Again, not immediately, just be patient with yourself and you will learn to be patient with others.

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This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 5th, 2011 at 8:59 am and is filed under Industry News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

2 Responses to “Who Me Meditate?”

  1. Mark Kubert Says:

    This is great Sherri. It’s good for all of us to see that meditation and other forms of relaxation aren’t just for the yogi sitting on top of the mountain. We can all benefit from doing just a little, seeing where that takes us, and then adding in more as we’re able to. Thanks for setting the example.

  2. Sherri Rosen Says:

    Mark, thanks so much and thanks so much for your suggestion. It is a wonderful idea. Stay tuned for more blogs on how to stay healthy in 2011. Sherri

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