Morning Coffee-Belief in the age of doubt
When it comes down to it, we pour ourselves into work we really love. Who would ever want to bake a cake they knew would not taste good? Who would want to make a meat sandwich if they were vegetarian? No one wants to invest in what they do not believe in.
We only work with clients whose work we believe in. And we pour our whole selves into the work. It doesn’t matter what time of day or what season of the year: we work hard on behalf of our clients—so hard, in fact, that if we do not believe in what they are about or who they are we simply cannot work with them.
Whether they are authors, filmmakers, actors, musicians, poets, healthcare providers, or small business, we simply cannot work with people who we don’t believe have a sense of integrity in their work. Our writers and creative artists are people we believe in. We’ve got their backs. We wage marketing war for them. We get bloody. And it’s because we know their talent and voice are worth fighting for.
This creates enormous amounts of positive energy. It’s a karma kaleidoscope up in here. Our faith expresses itself in hard work which, in turn, finds fruition in rock solid publicity. It is publicity that flowers out of conviction, integrity and incredible talent. We believe in what we do.
We do not want to pollute the world with more noise and more deceit. We want to find what is fresh and good and natural. We want to celebrate and embrace holistic, real, and value-filled publicity—the “greening of publicity,” if you will. And, above all, we believe in focusing all our passion and fun into our work to get our clients the publicity they deserve, publicity you can believe in.
Tags: authors, publicist nyc, publicity nyc, sherri rosen publicity nyc, spirituality
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