“Give Me Your Truth” by Sherri Rosen has won 2 book awards!!!
I just found out that my ebook “Give Me Your Truth” has won 2 book awards. And I am so proud that I wanted to share it with all of you.
This has been a labor of love and it is my pleasure to share good news with all of you.
It took a lot of hard work and working with talented folks to put this all together: Pixelbrand, Chris Collins and Tyler Blanski and Rohan Codling. Thank you all.
These are the book awards below:
E-book: Autobiography/Biography/Memoirs –
Give Me Your Truth: Inspiration, Memoirs and Musings From the World of a New York City Publicist by Sherri Rosen
Sherri Rosen Publicity & Pixelbrand Creative Agency
Give Me Your Truth: Inspiration, Memoirs and Musings From the World of a New York City Publicist by Sherri Rosen
Sherri Rosen Publicity & Pixelbrand Creative Agency
E-book: General Non-Fiction: New England Book Festival 2012
Honorable Mention for Give Me Your Truth: Inspiration, Memoirs and Musings From the World of a New York City Publicist by Sherri Rosen,
Sherri Rosen Publicity & Pixelbrand Creative Agency
Tags: authors, book awards, New England Book Festival, publicist nyc, publicity nyc, sherri rosen publicity nyc, spirituality, USABOOKNEWS
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