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A cool, sweet Saturday in Harlem At the Charlie Parker Music Festival-Sherri Rosen

When I was young i dated a lot of musicians and one of them went onto become a famous jazz player. Music has always been in my life, no matter how good or bad my life has been. I used to be left alone a lot as a kid, and I used to sit by the music and then just get up dance, dance, dance around my house. Would also perform everywhere I could throughout my community in Lynn, Mass. Music has saved my soul and will continue to do so. It’s a great way for me to connect with my soul.

At the time the famous George Wein’s Storyville was in Boston, Mass and I used to see a lot of great musicians perform. Storyville branched out and began having concerts in Rhode Island, NYC et al. And as fate would have it I connected with a guy (who would later become my husband) who was a music librarian at the famous WBZ radio in Boston, and would come to the station and get to connect to lots of famous musicians and Hollywood stars there. My music collection became huge when my soon to be husband at the time, AR, and I got together.

Also going down to New Orleans is a cool thing for me. It’s not so much the music festivals I love so much there, but the street musicians and the food. Some of them are amazing. Here’s a photo of 2 gals, Tanya & Dorise, who I see and hear perform in the streets of New Orleans each time I am there. One plays the violin and one plays the guitar. Their music is a heart opener. I can be standing in the street in New Orleans listening to their music and the next thing I know tears are streaming down my face, they have touched my heart so deeply. Here’s a photo:

Street Musicians in New Orleans

Street Musicians in New Orleans

I have been away from jazz for quite awhile and had no expectations about going to the concert, in Harlem and that was a good thing. Once that music began playing I just went with it.
It was a gorgeous day, sitting in the shade, soft breeze and the mellow music just taking me on a trip and connecting me to the Divine. Good music has a sacredness to it no matter what kind of music it is, as long as it’s good.

Charlie Parker Music Festival, Harlem 2013

Charlie Parker Music Festival, Harlem 2013

Here’s a piece by the great Charlie Parker, “All The Things You Are”.

The author of this blog :)

The author of this blog 🙂

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