Three Good Men Who Happen To Be Doctors by Sherri Rosen
I had given up hope after working with doctors, both men and women, who initially did not care about my health. They just did what they had to
do and then that was the end of it. I, like many, had always yearned to find some doctors who were skilled in what they do and also had
the ability to care about their patients.
I wanted to write about 3 doctors who work together who I found by not giving up on my dream about doctors who care. This isn’t a sales pitch
about their practices because they certainly don’t need my help. They all have an active and vital practice without my assistance. I call them The Dream Team.
But I wanted to write about them as three good men who happen to be doctors. I have been dealing with a severe case of osteoarthritis for many years,
and like I said, I just couldn’t find someone who really cared. Then an acupuncturist friend of mine recommended this sports medicine doctor
in New York City and I decided to check him out. It turns out this doctor was amazing. He is young, up on the latest info and involved in new and exciting procedures to help patients have a better quality of life without sugery. On my first visit he spent as much time as I needed with him
and he also owns 3 physical therapy clinics which I proceeded to go to on an ongoing basis. If ever I have a problem he does not hesitate to respond
and help me out. I cannot tell you how wonderful this has been for my healing process. I know I won’t be cured of the osteo-arthritis but I know I am
in the best hands I could possibly be in. This doctor even takes me down from his 8th floor office to help me find a cab or a bus after he has given me
one of the many injections that has to be taken by me. Now, how many doctors would do that?
The second man on this dream team is a pain specialist. He also is very young, has a fast growing practice, and aware of the latest info on pain medications.
The first time I went to see him I was very nervous because I had never gone to a pain specialist before. When he opened the door to come into the office
to greet me he had this huge smile on his face, greeted me with the warmest of compliments, and immediately put me at ease. When I began sharing about
my problems with pain he instantly knew what needed to be done, but explained it to me first and answered any questions that I had. He has this amazing
sense of humor and has actually won this yearly award continuously on being a most compassionate doctor. His waiting room is always filled with
folks of all ages and it’s a challenge for a doctor to be that compassionate to all of his patients. He will respond immediately via any email you send to
him with any problems you may be having, while also saying if you need to speak to him or see him then call. No holding back on the caring with this doctor.
The third and last member of this dream team is young. And I am not saying just because these doctors are young that’s what makes them caring, because
that’s not true. This doctor like the other two will answer any questions I have whether calling on the phone or emailing his assistant about any problems
or questions I have. He has brought this particular kind of therapy from Germany to the USA whereby through injections when folks are losing cartilage
they take a series of these injections and it prevents any more cartilage loss from anywhere from 2 to 6 years. Again, anytime I see this doctor he doesn’t hesitate
to sit with me, to answer all of my questions, and assures me with such confidence that I know I am in the right hands. He is smart, has great confidence without
the arrogance and is there for you.
I don’t know about you but I feel like the luckiest person in the world that I have found these three good men who happen to be doctors.
Tags: authors, doctors, Dr. Douglas Schottenstein, Dr. Edward Kapla, Dr. Michael Neely, NY Sports Med, pain, publicist nyc, publicity nyc, Regenokine Therapy, sherri rosen publicity nyc
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