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Learning About Self Righteousness During The Pandemic by Sherri Rosen

It shocked me when I learned, not too long ago, how self righteous I am. And, then when the awareness washed over me, to see it in others. Yikes!

I have strong opinions and points of view but when the pandemic hit, the shit hit the fan for me. People who I’ve known for years, that I thought I knew, I realized I didn’t, and then to top it off when my dear Amy died of Covid, the trash that was coming out of my mouth about non-vaxers.  I’ve changed since then.  How? I respect people’s point of view, even if it’s different than mine: Mainly people I know who refuse to get the vaccine. Many have logical explanations of why they say “no vaccine”.  Some have allergies to what’s in the vaccine, some are black and have been lied to so much that there’s so much distrust that they want no part of the vaccine and others are just defiant.

These are the self righteous and angry ones who declare “ no one is going to tell me what to do!”  I’ve found it  impossible to speak to them because of their self righteous anger.  And it’s opened my eyes how many folks don’t think or feel for others, just about themselves!

We’ve lost our ability to communicate. When was the last time you picked up the phone to say “ how you doing? Family okay? Open up a dialogue? Texting, email and social media have their place, but I want to feel you by the sound of your voice. I want you to feel me by the sound of my voice. Does that mean you won’t be my friend if you don’t agree with me? No, of course not! This is my philosophy and perhaps not yours. But I am aware that many have cutoff friendships because each in the friendship have a different point of view.

Why must people prove at any cost that their point of view is the “right” point of view?

The other day I did my solo storytelling show within an intimate setting in a retirement community In Brooklyn Heights, NY. A small group, sharing their stories with me after I performed. It was an amazing connection with people who our culture ignores. For years I’ve loved performing and volunteering with the elderly because they’re real and they no longer have anything to hide, and let’s face it, I’m now one of them! And it was refreshing being with them with no BS.

I feel our country is spoiled, arrogant and has been taught many lies in our history. I don’t know what it will take for us to listen to one another. Do you?  My heart breaks at the condition our country is in right now.  The white supremacists, not only in this country, but all over the world, are testing the limits of how far they can go with their “hatred” and to see if any of the countries, including the USA, will stop them.  The white supemacists in The USA are sending truckers  to Canada and other countries to create hate  and disruption.

Banning books, banning voting, carefully picking and choosing what will be taught in schools to our children.  I sit here as I’m writing this and asks myself “where we will be in 2024.?” Will the USA  be a democracy full of hope, transformation and change or will it be a country full of hate, afraid of positive change, facism, and getting rid of the wrong color of people or getting rid of the wrong religion of people?  Will many of us have to leave this country because our lives are in danger because we are not accepted for who we are?

I, myself, will fight against oppression until my dying day! I’m resilient and I want to see a transformation in our country. We can do it if we don’t go into denial, give up, but be activists to get the good people running for the Senate elected!

Sherri Rosen

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