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Do I Have to Justify My Joy When Things Are Sh*t in USA and Internationally?

I pondered the above question  after experiencing so much joy and aliveness after seeing the brilliance of the musical, “Moulin Rouge” on Broadway!
The songs, the dancing, the joy and sharing this experience with people in person.  My whole body took it all in. All that joy and aliveness.

Being shut in, on and off, for two years, I knew my whole being needed this. This was good medicine I gave to myself.

I must admit it took awhile for me to get used to being around so many people and I was somewhat scared, but I just acknowledged those feelings and it soon passed.

My friend who was with me sings and it was so sweet hearing her sing along to some of the music.  The music they chose for the show is called “jukebox music” mainly because the songs were all made popular by professionals like Lady GaGA, Adele and Cristina Aquila’s. Songs you would choose on a jukebox if you were around one.

At the finale many of us who were sitting together got up and danced and danced along with the cast, and through this incredible joy I wanted to cry.  Me and my body were so happy.

I got home around 11:15pm and so be gotten into the good habit of shutting off my phone and night, mainly because each time I have to get up during the night to pee, I look at my phone and by turning off I no longer do that.

But tonight, in my exhuberance, I forgot! And around 5am I get up, see my phone is on and there is a news headline “ one million Ukrainians have fled their country.
I just sit on my bed and feel so sad and as though I was kicked in the stomach.  And then the thought is “ here I shared so much joy about seeing Moulin Rouge and maybe I shouldn’t have.”  Guilt begins to move in. And then I say to myself: “Sherri this news headline is exactly why you made it a point to experience joy!  You know from one moment to the next how vulnerable we all are and don’t know what bad news will happen next that you must create this resilience within you by experiencing your joy so it’s the balance that brings you through these hard times.”

I’m a Buddhist and in Buddhism the philosophy is living moment to moment, which in most cases is very hard to do. Most of us aren’t raised that way and many seek distractions from uncomfortable feelings, but these last 5 years, with the evil menace as our president and voting and abortion rights being taken away from us, republicans praising evil and the Russians invading this peaceful, democratic country, the Ukraine, and many many deaths, that’s changed all that for me
More and more I’m learning to live in the present because all the above has forced me too.

I truly don’t know from one moment to the next what will happen so it’s imperative for me to live in the moment, and no matter what’s happening, not to lose my joy.Sherri Rosen

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