Posts Tagged ‘Hurricane Sandy’
Hurricane Sandy Shoebox Santa Toy Drive sponsored by Solesville
For Immediate Release Contact: Sherri@SherriRosen.Com 212-222-1183 Hurricane Sandy Shoebox Santa Toy Drive Sponsored by Solesville Solesville -- The Etu Evans Foundation and host Ena...
Hurricane Sandy Cleanup
Hurricane Sandy Clean-Up Over the last few weeks, we have seen the best in people. From rebuilding a battered New York, to peaceably voting for our president. We have seen rain and then snow, floods. We have been wind-swept. Our utilities and...
Does the NYC Marathon Override Common Sense, the Human Heart & Human Need?
Hurricane Sandy has been devastating to New York City. From 32 deaths and a crippled mass transit to burned out homes and an unimaginable $20 billion in damages, New York has been left staggering. How do we deal with adversity? How do...