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Wisdom from the man


Sick of flipping through the channels? Worn out from a crazy work schedule? Tired of sappy paperback novels and looking for something fresh to read that will convict and inspire?


It’s time to pour a good Australian Cabernet, wrap yourself in your favorite robe, and to cozy up with the heart-clutching tales from “Wisdom Man,” the story of an Aboriginal who stood up against bigotry and racism to defend peace and human dignity. A great figure in twentieth-century Austrailan history, you will be the better for having known him.


This bold and prophetic tale is told by Camilla Chance, a new author whose prose style is anything but pretentious or intellectually nut-cracking. In clean, delightful prose she gives us the story of a man whose story is sure to color your days with fresh meaning and nuance.


For being a twentieth-century teacher and spiritual advisor in the Bahai faith, Banjo Clarke is unimposing and amiable, quick to laugh and give—like the grandpa everyone wishes they could have.


This remarkable man became a stood guard around his native culture in the face of great troubles. Through his tireless work and countless acts of sevret kindness, he empowered hundreds of Aboriginals to create better lives and stronger communities. He was a servant at heart. He opened his quiet home to many troubled young people of all races and cultures. He became foster father to generations of children. He will encourage you on your way. He will open new vistas for reflection. And most of all, he will remind you what you’re living for.


Aboriginal or Australian culture is a rich resource for searching, restless, or just plain worn-out Americans. It will revive parts of your heart you might have forgotten existed. It will challenge you to fight for what you believe. It will comfort you when the going gets rough. It will help you cope. And hidden in the back of the book are a lovingly gathered bouquet of brief essays and poems by members of Banjo’s family and friends.


So pour that Australian cabernet and cozy up on the couch with this new and inspiring tale of wisdom, as told by the fresh and gentle voice of Camilla Chance. They will be hours well spent.

Sherri Rosen & Tyler Blanski, Sherri Rosen Publicity, NYC

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