Posts Tagged ‘Aboriginal’
My Wild & Wacky Journey in 2017-A List-Sherri Rosen
1.The minute I knew Agent Orange was in the running for President I knew I could no longer be complacent in politics. I will now always be involved no matter what. 2.To witness the extent of evil like i’ve never seen before with Agent Orange et...
Coming through hard time blues Since September its been hard times blues for me in many ways with my health and my love. I have found who is there for me and who cannot be there for me. It's been harsh lessons...
Makin’ it happen!!!! Camilla Chance & Oprah connecting
For nine years, Camilla Chance, author of the phenomenal work Wisdom Man and myself have had a vision: getting the attention of Oprah. And to our amazement and joy, it happened at Radio City Music Hall this last Monday, April 2nd. Out of a crowd of...
Not objects of scientific inquiry, but people-The Aboriginals
Unless we are botanists or exploring the evolution debates around Aboriginals, the last time any of us thought about Australia was when we could still hear “You’ve got mail,” issue from our desktops and watch Crocodile Dundee on VHS....
Always keep the door ajar
Throughout the lifespan of my publicity profession so many people have said "no" to me. But you know what? It has not stopped me from trying new approaches, being flexible, and to continually open the doors that had been closed. Often this audacity...
A culture of language and thought-Interview by Lisa Carter
Interview with Author Camilla Chance July 6th, 2011 Today I am pleased to offer an interview I conducted with author Camilla Chance, who brought the true story of a most amazing Australian Aboriginal elder to print: Wisdom Man Banjo Clarke as told...
Wisdom Man-Aboriginal elder, Banjo Clarke-shares a legacy of compassion
People who truly change the world are often those with huge compassion, like the Australian Aboriginal elder, Banjo Clarke. His message from the ancients embodies survival wisdom for today. Camilla Chance spent 27 years chronicling his life and...
Wisdom from the man
Sick of flipping through the channels? Worn out from a crazy work schedule? Tired of sappy paperback novels and looking for something fresh to read that will convict and inspire? It’s time to pour a good Australian Cabernet,...
The Baha’i Meets The Aboriginal
Imagine a city girl educated in London, Switzerland and Italy squatting around the same campfire as an Aborigine. It’s an odd pairing. Camilla Chance was raised as an aristocrat in England and presented to the Queen and Prince Philip. Banjo Clarke...
The Peace Of A Baptist And A Baha’i
You can’t sound like a skipping record when you remember injustice. It can’t be talked about enough. Exploitation is not something that should be swept under the rug. As Black History month comes to a close, who can help but to reflect not only...