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Inventions and deceptions

Inventions and Deceptions

Mark Twain says if we tell the truth we won’t have to remember anything. That means you’ll never mix up your stories, forget fictitious details, or lose track of the poppycock. Honesty does more than provide a clean conscience; it procures a clean memory.

Long ago we made a decision that we would not lie on behalf of our clients. Once, unbeknownst to us, one of our clients lied. We had worked hard to open doors and set up a big interview for a major newspaper and from a well-known journalist.

He came up from Washington, D.C. to NYC to interview this client.  After hours interviewing her, and midway through writing the big story, he checked out some of the data that she had given him. He was dismayed to find that she had lied about several important and unimportant details.

That was the end. It was the end of the article, and then end of what could have been a major break-through for her  career. And it all could have been avoided if she had just been honest. And it made us feel, well, downright crummy to have vouched for her.

When people lie, our lies will always catch up to us. They’ll creep in under doorways and blow in around the closed curtains to haunt us. It could be days, weeks, even years, but the truth always comes out. And it is never pretty.

The media is full of lies. But some writers are too. Even publicists can lie.  We strive to be honest and straightforward. No inventions or deceptions, no yarns or half-truths. Just the straight truth. Because the truth can sell, and sell well. Because the truth is just plain better.

We believe in our clients. We believe in the work we do. We simply work too hard to spread cock-and-bull stories around. Period.

Sherri Rosen & Tyler Blanski, Sherri Rosen Publicity, NYC


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