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All self-published authors need excellent editors! by Sherri Rosen, Sherri Rosen Publicity, Intl, NYC

There are 4 different kinds of editors:

l. One that will assist you in developing your manuscript. Help you find your audience, and are with you to support you every step of the way.

2. One that will come in after you have written the entire manuscript and put it into a shape that will make it wonderful.

3. One that will correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. Sometimes rewrite a screwed up sentence.

4. One who proofreads. After everything has been done, Put page numbers, correct typeface, headings and everything else is in place.

Here are some of the ways to find a good editor and questions to ask:

A. Get a referral

B. Look online

C. Chat with an editor

D. Be clear about fee structure

E. Ask about the time line

F. Ask if editor has had experience with self publishing

Writing books is your business. You need to invest in your business and that is investing in you. Make sure you get referrals and have some capital set aside to
invest in you and what you are trying to do. If when you speak to the editor and you don’t like him/her, then DO NOT hire him/her. Make sure you feel
comfortable with who you are hiring. You don’t want any kind of editor that bully’s you into doing it their way.
The author of this blog

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