Posts Tagged ‘writers’
Interview w/Dr.Robert Tostado-author of wtf* is wrong with your health
Sherri Rosen- Why did you leave family practice/ traditional medicine and go into regenerative medicine? Dr. Tostado-My gut told me something was wrong with our way of treating patients, we were trained to prescribe something for every symptom...
Mamma and How I Learned To Honor Women by Sherri Rosen
Mother was a piece of work! I grew up in New England in a place called Lynn, Mass. Our home was one block away from the ocean. That was my consolation. The inside of my home was like what I call “the hell realm”. I was the scapegoat for my...
Realizing How Deeply I Loved Them–After They’ve Died by Sherri Rosen
I’ve always been one that shows my love and affection to people that I deeply care about. I’ve always felt I don’t want to wait until after they die and then be sorry I never told or showed them how much I loved them. I don’t take that for...
The Suicides of 2 Famous People–Is It Symptomatic of Our Disconnect?
Sadden by both Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain’s suicides within a week of one another. Both were extremely talented and creative and shared their uniqueness with all of us. But are their deaths symptomatic of our disconnect with one...
Our Country Has Been Infected by Cancer by Sherri Rosen
OUR COUNTRY HAS BEEN INFECTED by CANCER t’s been a slow process of our country getting Cancer. I believe many of us have not been paying attention to many of the males in...
“Publicity From The Trenches” by Sherri Rosen
HEADLINE: NYC -- "PUBLICITY FROM THE TRENCHES": (For Published And Self Published Authors) by veteran publicist, Sherri Rosen How many times have I spoken to published and self published authors about their new book coming out, and they...
Things to Look For When Seeking A Freelance Publicist by Sherri Rosen
New York City is a major city for publishing and for publicists. When you are seeking a freelance publicist here are some of the things to look for and some of the questions to ask: l. If you left a message in their office how quickly do they...
What Makes A Great Publicist!! Sherri Rosen Publicity Intl, NYC
A great publicist is hard to come by these days. There are so many publicity firms out there that claim to guarantee the success of their clients and charge a hefty dollar for it, only to leave the client feeling neglected, disappointed and...
Sherri Rosen Publicity Intl, NYC-Personalized Attention Is What You Receive From Us!
In this day and age of fast moving technology, folks are connecting via texting, email, FB and Twitter, Smartphones et all. That's all great, but I have always felt that one of the best ways to introduce who I am is to speak to you personally on...
Constructing A Successful Brand For Yourself-Sherri Rosen Publicity Intl, NYC
The ABC’s of Branding Constructing a successful, enduring brand When it comes to branding, the best way to start defining your label is by removing yourself from distractions and start thinking seriously. Go to your favorite park, café or...