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When MuM and DaD Dies: Make Peace!!!!! by Sherri Rosen

We all have a history with our mums and dads even if we don’t speak to them, they abandoned us or they were there and did the best
they could.

When a mum or dad dies if you have not made peace with them you MUST, because it will haunt you for the rest of your life. I am telling you
this from personal experience. I had a horrible relationship with my mum. She wanted me to be just like her, and I wasn’t. I was a free
spirit and she didn’t know what to do with me, so whenever I frustrated her she beat me. I must admit looking back that she was not well mentally.
She also was very smart, beautiful, a housewife, but kept herself on the back burner and lived through my dad.

So after each one died it was very rough. With my mum,
I was so scared of her, I could not even go to her funeral, mainly because there was a terrible ice storm and I was in NYC and she was in New
Hampshire. I was relieved I could not go, but I still didn’t have peace in my relationship with her. I didn’t knowingly know I was grieving my mum’s death
until many years later when I had to surrender to the fact that I truly disliked my mum and all she had done to me. I realized it was poisoning me and
wasn’t helping me to go on with my life. So I decided to work with a Past Life Regression Therapist who took me on a journey to meet face to face
with my mum. Now, I am not saying this is for everyone, but in that one hour session I totally worked things out with my mum and I realized
that she and I had finally made peace with one another.

With my dad’s death I grieved for a whole year and then some. At his funeral I spoke about him and at his grave I wanted to jump right in,
that’s how much pain I was feeling with my loss. Have you ever felt like that when you have lost someone you adore? I also began to see
as much as I loved him, he wasn’t there for my mum and me. He was too busy with his own life. He owned women’s shoe factories up in New Hampshire
and my mum and I hardly ever saw him. And when he came home to our residence in Lynn, Mass., he could not understand why I didn’t
want to be with him. I adored my dad, but he was never around and really didn’t take care of mum and me.

For many years I blamed my mum for everything until I had the Past Life Regression Therapy session and I realized my mum felt just as abandoned by
dad as me. That changed everything for me.

Again, I cannot begin to reiterate how important it is when your mum and dad die to make peace. If you don’t it will poison you and the rest of the relationships
your entire life. Some folks are fortunate and had a wonderful childhood. That’s great! You were blessed and I am sure you realize that. But, if you were like
me with so much unhappiness with your mum and dad or no contact at all, MAKE PEACE. It’s the biggest blessing you can give to yourself.

The author of this blog.

The author of this blog.

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