Posts Tagged ‘love’
Realizing How Deeply I Loved Them–After They’ve Died by Sherri Rosen
I’ve always been one that shows my love and affection to people that I deeply care about. I’ve always felt I don’t want to wait until after they die and then be sorry I never told or showed them how much I loved them. I don’t take that for...
When I Fall In Love by Sherri Rosen
The title of my story “When I Fall In Love” comes from an old song sung by Nat King Cole, and then done many years later virtually, after Nat King Cole died, with his daughter, the talented, Natalie Cole. They both were amazing and gifted...
A Field of Buttercups-A Memory of Love by Sherri Rosen
One summer when Henry and I didn’t have our children we took a vacation driving to Quebec. It was a very boring ride because there were just miles and miles of uninteresting scenery, no people, then you would come upon a community of houses...
The Suicides of 2 Famous People–Is It Symptomatic of Our Disconnect?
Sadden by both Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain’s suicides within a week of one another. Both were extremely talented and creative and shared their uniqueness with all of us. But are their deaths symptomatic of our disconnect with one...
Learning From Our Ancestors by Sherri Rosen
My female ancestors are very happy for me! I have broken the pattern of many of these good women who were ignored, frustrated, angry and abused. They are now my protectors. I’ve done a lot of inner healing through the years but I just...
Our Country Has Been Infected by Cancer by Sherri Rosen
OUR COUNTRY HAS BEEN INFECTED by CANCER t’s been a slow process of our country getting Cancer. I believe many of us have not been paying attention to many of the males in...
My Wild & Wacky Journey in 2017-A List-Sherri Rosen
1.The minute I knew Agent Orange was in the running for President I knew I could no longer be complacent in politics. I will now always be involved no matter what. 2.To witness the extent of evil like i’ve never seen before with Agent Orange et...
When A Friend Dies by Sherri Rosen
When a friend dies it sucks. Pure and simple. I got word last night that my friend and my book salon teacher, Paul Schulkind, has died. What a shock! Especially when it’s the last type of news that I would expect. I try to put a reason to his...
What I’m Learning From Aging by Sherri Rosen, Sherri Rosen Publicity Intl, NYC
1. Self Care is important, and if I don’t do it know one else will. How can anyone else know what I need or want accept me. 2. Don’t waste anymore time with online dating to find a companion. Too much juice in my life to take up my time in...
Do You Know Why You Are Here? by Sherri Rosen
I have asked myself this question many times, and what I know for sure is I am here to bring joy to myself and to others. Where there is darkness I shall bring the light. I am not here to force you to change or for you to become like me. I...