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Just 15 Steps to Help Us Wakeup!! by Sherri Rosen

You’ve heard the expression over and over again “waking up”! You’ve probably even said it yourself especially when someone is cruel to you “when
is he/she going to wakeup?” Or you’ve heard it so much you don’t give a flying crap about what it means.

Some folks equate it to a religious experience of waking up and connecting to God, others equate to one day realizing that they have been acting
like a selfish ass, with only their life that matters to them, and not really caring about others or anyone else. Some folks have professed over and
over that they have changed, they are no longer the same ignorant person they were in the past, but, sadly, are still under the illusion they have changed.
And others have truly woken up!! Meaning they have come to realize that their own special being is not the most important thing in the world. It’s a day to day process that does not happen overnight.

Am I sitting in judgement? Some may say yes, but I have been on this path to wakeup for a long long time. Here are some of the steps that I have found that will help one wakeup, at least they have helped me. We are all a work in progress.

l. Have the courage to want to change!! I’ve had to face what I call the head of the dragon towards waking up and see and hear things I’ve been terrified of.

2. Be honest!. Our lies can be so subtle. I realized when I lived at a Buddhist Retreat Center that lying was a normal part of life. Saying “yes” when I wanted to say “no”.

3. Take care of yourself and your body. There’s no way I can take care of anyone else if I haven’t learned to take care of myself.

4. Don’t settle! Meaning if I was in bad relationships or jobs or had bad friendships, then I had to let them all go.

5. Allow yourself to feel! If I am always coming from a place in my head, I will never know about love and passion and what I truly want! Our heart teaches us about love and passion and compassion.

6. Don’t be self-involved. Is my life the only thing that matters. What about me being there for others without an agenda.

7. Don’t have an agenda! Meaning if I want to do something, I do it because I want to do it without expecting anything in return.

8. If you make a mistake, own it!! If I consistently blame others for my mistakes how am I ever going to change.

9. Appreciate where you have come from. I have come from a very dark place with a biological family that was screwed up, but I have found a sense of peace within it.

l0. Respect and love your family. Long ago I could not do this in my biological family, but I have learned to do this through my own family. My children teach me a lot.

11. Don’t expect your children to turnout like you-I have found that in my own life, the big surprise is my life and my children have not turned out the way I expected.

12. Have no expectations! That’s a big one. I laugh when I write this. How is it possible? it is, but I have to work at it daily.

l3.. Love with all of you. I never know what tommorrow brings. I always want to show the people I love that I do “love them with all my heart.”

14. Love who you are. If I did not love who I am how could I possibly love others?

15. Don’t be afraid to be a fool. I have found that the fool can be the wisest person of all, not the one who always claims to be an “expert.”



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This entry was posted on Sunday, April 27th, 2014 at 6:04 am and is filed under Industry News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “Just 15 Steps to Help Us Wakeup!! by Sherri Rosen”

  1. Lynda Rose Says:

    Thank you Sherri, your a gentle soul I can feel it and I too love what your about. We should spread the message of love more, there is so many lonely people in this world keeping it to themselves. Much love and God bless you kind soul.. Lynda Rose.?

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