My Plea To STOP The Fear and Hatred That Is Happening by Sherri Rosen
Being a Jew, I know the meaning of anti -semitism and what it is like to be hated just because I am a Jew.
But what is happening in the Middle East with Gaza and Israel is totally unacceptable.
I have no idea about all of the politics. All I know is that there is extreme fear and hatred and people being used
as human shields and many children being killed.
Yes, I would believe that all of the countries surrounding Israel would want to annihilate her, but that doesn’t give the
right for these 2 countries to go totally insane and keep killing, bombing, and using people as human shields.
The trauma that was created by the Nazi’s killing 6 million Jews has long been felt by all of us and the people who live
in Israel. I feel it every day and many times I feel the anti-semitism when I leave NYC and go to outlying areas. And I
also realize that during the Holocaust we didn’t hear much about Jews fighting back, and as a long result of more trauma
you have seen Israel setup their country with top security-at their airpot, their soldiers, their checkpoints, their brilliance.
But this is not going to stop the killing. There has got to be some way that other countries get involved and sit down
with both Israel and Hamas and Palestine and stop this craziness.
People on Facebook have quoted articles of why Israel is in the right. Other people have quoted articles of why Hamas
is in the right.
I don’t care how much historical knowledge they keep quoting but if something isn’t done soon everyone there will
totally destroy one another. Hatred and fear is destructive. It just destroys.
I am not going to go into anything about loving one another but I am going to say there has got to be a way we tolerate one
another. I am reaching out to you, in whatever way you can do it, to stop the hatred and fear.
Tags: fear, Hamas, hatred, Israel, love, Palestine, publicist nyc, publicity nyc, sherri rosen, Sherri Rosen Publicity Int'l, sherri rosen publicity nyc, tolerate
This entry was posted on Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014 at 5:51 am and is filed under Friends and Colleagues. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
July 30th, 2014 at 7:16 am
Go Girl….our newscasters are some of the worst perpetrators of this hate.
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