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Do You Know Why You Are Here? by Sherri Rosen

I have asked myself this question many times, and what I know for sure is I am here to bring joy to myself and to others.

Where there is darkness I shall bring the light.

I am not here to force you to change or for you to become like me.

I am here to inspire you to want to become the best person you can be.

If I have come across you and you have moved away from my light, that is your right and your choice.

And again, if you choose to remain where you are, that is your right and again your choice.

We are all in this crazy world together and I know for me that I want to respect your choices as well as mine

If we have met, even briefly, and then moved on, know that I have learned something from you.

If I have loved you and moved on, know also that my love is always there. It never goes away.

I am here to learn my lessons and to leave a legacy to my family, friends and lovers of love, compassion and aliveness and truth.

I leave you with this quote from Winnine The Pooh:

“Oh, Bear!” said Christopher Robin. “How I do love you!” “So do I,” said Pooh.”

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