My Wild & Wacky Journey in 2017-A List-Sherri Rosen
1.The minute I knew Agent Orange was in the running for President I knew I could no longer be complacent in politics. I will now always be involved no matter what.
2.To witness the extent of evil like i’ve never seen before with Agent Orange et al and the sniveling Republicans who are bowing down.
3.To witness the year of 2017 with its’ craziness, experiencing such hatred, the taking done of our democracy (which won’t happen) and experiencing our Constitutional Crisis
4.To witness and experience first hand Racism, Sexism,Anti-Gay, Anti-Trans, Anti-Immigrants, Anti-Semitism, Anti-Dreamers et al, in all its ugliness. Has truly shown me never never take this country for granted.
5.To know more than ever my feeling is even stronger that we appreciate diversity in our country. Diversity is in my life and in my business. It’s always been in my professional and personal life.
6.To witness that I am a bad-ass woman in every good sense of the word. And that we women need to support one another no matter what color et al.
7.To re-connect with The Good Men Project and all the political activism they do and join Elizabeth Cronise McGlaughlin’s Facebook News Group. They help
my sanity and to take action and to understand what is going on daily. And to all the great news people like Rachel Maddow, Charles Blow and many others.
8.To lose a client I’ve been working with for 17 years who needs to pay more attention to enjoying and taking care of herself. This client changed my life and brought me into connecting with the Aboriginal people in Australia and their plight and helped me to understand what had been going on and got me involved. I visited Australia to be with my client and meet some of my client’s Aboriginal friends (who turned out to be my soul family).
9.To be sent on “The Oprah Cruise to Alaska” by my client and have the most amazing experience. Experiencing the sacredness of Alaska especially in Glacier Bay and meeting some of it’s wonderful people.
10.To meet up on the cruise with a most wonderful couple who live in San Diego. Loving them so much and visiting them one month later at their home in San Diego.
11.To experience my granddaughter moving from the east coast to the west coast to experience her journey of life and living.
12.To witness my sons and their family’s challenges, victories, and know how they perservere and that I love them all so very much.
13.To experience my own challenges and dramatic changes in 2017 and know that i will always be fabulous, no matter what.
14.To experience new friends and know that we see one another and respect one another.
15.To never give up on love meaning it could happen at any time for me where a wonderful partner could walk into my life.
16. Experiencing how grateful I am for who I have become and for this continuing wild and wacky journey that I’m on. For my life, my family, friends and my amazing clients and business.
Tags: Aboriginal, authors, book publicist nyc, camilla chance, love, men, NYC, relationship, sherri rosen publicity international
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