Posts Tagged ‘aging’
What I’m Learning From Aging by Sherri Rosen, Sherri Rosen Publicity Intl, NYC
1. Self Care is important, and if I don’t do it know one else will. How can anyone else know what I need or want accept me. 2. Don’t waste anymore time with online dating to find a companion. Too much juice in my life to take up my time in...
Wanted Men!Women! 50 on up For New Ebook-“Ripe: Aging W/Authenticity and Grace
A project I've wanted to do for the last few years, but the time hasn't been right until NOW!!! . CALLING MEN AND WOMEN 50 or over in proximity of NYC! If you or someone you know would be interested.....please pass this on too~ Excited about...
When an anti-aging cream actually works and is safe!
I don't usually write this type of blog regarding a product I have used and wanting to share with all of you, but guess what, that's what I'm doing. I recently reconnected with a gal I knew from a Buddhist Community in NYC that I was part of...
The Fragility & Wisdom of Aging & Lovemaking by Blaze
We welcome once again our guest writer, Blaze. “One is not born a woman, one becomes one” Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex, l949 I feel loss at the fast approaching aging process that can never be recaptured. What used to work perfectly...
The Fragility & Wisdom of Aging and Lovemaking
“One is not born a woman, one becomes one" Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex, l949 I feel loss at the fast approaching aging process that can never be recaptured. What used to work perfectly now has problems. My knees have lost cartilege. I...
A 20 Yr Old Woman’s Response to “Ripe”-Aging Out Loud
I created an eBook called "Ripe" with 12 images of myself on aging with grace, authenticity and aliveness. The book was mainly created for my own self-healing and to share with just some of the men and women in my life. I always knew it was not...
“Ripe” Is Becoming A Much Bigger Dream
When I first began creating the ebook called "Ripe" (12 nudes and semi-nudes on aging with grace, authenticity and aliveness) it was totally about my healing, and my appreciating my beauty and who I have become. I knew that I did not want this...