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Posts Tagged ‘evil’

Sherri Rosen interviews Author Kiel Barnekov about his new book, “Shepherds of Destiny” -a book for our times conquering evil!

  Sherri Rosen: What made you decide to write Shepherds of Destiny?   Kiel Barnekov: I have always enjoyed writing. I wrote my first book – a child’s book in the 1980s. I sent it to several publishers but none accepted it. Since I...

Our Country Has Been Infected by Cancer by Sherri Rosen

    OUR COUNTRY HAS BEEN INFECTED by CANCER t’s been a slow process of our country getting Cancer. I believe many of us have not been paying attention to many of the males in...

Daily Meditation on Impeachment created by Sherri Rosen

A few weeks ago, quite spontaneously, I began posting daily meditations on impeachment for the entire crew in the WH. I found rather than going for the negative, that imaging a positive outcome for our country was a much better way to go.  As a...




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