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Posts Tagged ‘love’

Reshaping our love life

Reshaping Our Love Life   Normally the question “What is love?” brings to mind the lyrics of Caddaway’s pop-song: “What is love? Baby don’t hurt me…” Love has been tested in the hardest laboratory of all, the human heart. And we...

When a town fought against hatred

Important Book! Even though this book came out during Christmas time, it's most important to read. It talks about how a town fought against hatred, and how when good people don't say anything when they see something horrible, is just as bad as...

What’s in it for me?

   Sometimes listening to what people are looking for in a potential spouse or friend can sound a lot like listening to people who are self -absorbed. But the best relationships start when we forget about ourselves. We forget about our laundry...

Never give up on love

Sometimes the most beautiful people and experiences come from the most unexpected places. For example,  an African American  woman named Nancy, from the deep south, became a second mother to me, an outrageous Jewish/Buddhist gal from New York....

Taken From Rumi-On Baking Bread

....He went out, and there, near the latrine, was a beautiful woman, one of the king's harem. His mouth hung open. He wanted her! Right then, he wanted her! And she was not unwilling. They fell to, on the ground. You've seen a baker...

10 Simple & Fun Ways To Stay Healthy in 2011

l. Fall In Love 2. Have your big meal at lunch and take a nap 3. Meditate-Don't sweat the small stuff 4. Take one hour during the day for yourself (just you) 5. If you fail at something pick yourself up and begin all over again 6. Say "Good...

There Is Nothing Like The Feeling of Falling In Love

Call me a romantic, but in all of my experiences there has been nothing to compare of the feeling of falling in love. It's as though someone has taken and old lens from my eyes, and everything and everyone becomes more brilliant than they have...

The Fragility & Wisdom of Aging and Lovemaking

“One is not born a woman, one becomes one" Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex, l949 I feel loss at the fast approaching aging process that can never be recaptured. What used to work perfectly now has problems. My knees have lost cartilege. I...

“Ripe” Is Becoming A Much Bigger Dream

When I first began creating the ebook called "Ripe" (12 nudes and semi-nudes on aging with grace, authenticity and aliveness) it was totally about my healing, and my appreciating my beauty and who I have become. I knew that I did not want this...

My Next E-Book “Ripe”-this project is growing

“Ripe” (12 Nudes & Semi-Nudes On Aging With Authenticity, Grace And Aliveness) Introduction What prompted the creation of this e-book was the hurtful breakup of a...

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