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Posts Tagged ‘publicity nyc’

Do You Know Why You Are Here? by Sherri Rosen

I have asked myself this question many times, and what I know for sure is I am here to bring joy to myself and to others. Where there is darkness I shall bring the light. I am not here to force you to change or for you to become like me. I...

When Was The Last Time You Gave A Man Flowers? by Sherri Rosen

I usually buy flowers for my home. I especially love roses and orchids. If you walked into my home today you would find an indoor garden of yellow and red tipped roses, orchids, Christmas tree cactus, a Fica tree and a Geraniam plant. I’ve...

Having Outrageousness in your Business & Personal Life by Sherri Rosen

I am walking by the Armani Store in NYC and see some black high top shoes with gold polka dots in the window. They are totally outrageous and totally expensive. I went home and I bought a pair of plain black high top shoes and then asked my...

The Feel Good Pope Is In NYC And I Am Happy by Sherri Rosen

I'm not Catholic. So what! Doesn't mean a thing. This Pope is a blessing for all of us. I feel NYC is blessed with him coming into our city. He's so different from the past Popes. He actually seems to really care about all of the wrongs in the...

Author Gets Lifelong Dream–Meets Oprah at Radio City But Blows It

The event was such a painful moment that for years, she wouldn’t talk about it. But in the end, even this terrible setback proved to be a tremendous learning experience. Author Camilla Chance is someone who knows what it's like to be the...

Her Name Is Christa Victoria! by Sherri Rosen

Christa Victoria is a dear friend of mine. She is a performer, writes her own music, therapist, author and I could go on and on. Her name is perfect for her because I see the light of Christ coming through her and she comes through always...

I Didn’t Know Sh*t About Relationships by Sherri Rosen

When I fall in love I fall hard! I become this crazy person who delights in just about everything!!! Always thinking about my lover, texting one another daily, lusty meetings, experiencing sex everywhere, sometimes in the woods, in public places,...

Working With The Dying by Sherri Rosen

Many years ago I went through 9 months of Hospice Training at Beth Israel Hospital in NYC to volunteer with the dying. One day when I walked onto the hospital floor, the air felt claustrophobic and I realized all had chosen to die at the instant. I...

Rebel! Don’t Always Do What Your’re Told! by Sherri Rosen

Rebel! Don't Always Do What You're Told!!! When I was a kid growing up in New England, I never thought of myself as a rebel! It absolutely was not witnessed in my biological family growing up. It seemed strange to me that whenever my mum...

If You Just Sing To Them! (Volunteering With Alzheimer’s Patients by Sherri Rosen

If You Just Sing To Them (volunteering with Alzheimer's patients) Approximately l0 years ago I was asked by this music therapist at the Jewish Home For The Aged in NYC to be a part of this music therapy for Alzheimer's patients. For 3 hours I...

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