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Posts Tagged ‘spirituality’

Bread and words by guest blogger, author, Barbara Chepaitis

BREAD AND WORDS Barbara Chepaitis . When Sherri asked me for a blog about the meeting of different cultures, my first thought was of my friend, Anjum, a Shia Muslim woman who taught me about Islam. For a long...

“We are the world” by Sherri Rosen, Sherri Rosen Publicity Intl, NYC Watching this video this am. I asked myself " does it take a tragedy to knockout our sh*t and allow our hearts to open?" In the video all the famous people laid their egos at the door (at least I...

A cool, sweet Saturday in Harlem At the Charlie Parker Music Festival-Sherri Rosen

When I was young i dated a lot of musicians and one of them went onto become a famous jazz player. Music has always been in my life, no matter how good or bad my life has been. I used to be left alone a lot as a kid, and I used to sit by the music...

“Don’t Never Let Nobody Drag Your Spirit Down” by Sherri Rosen

Don't Never Let Nobody Drag Your Spirit...

Dance me to the end of love by Sherri Rosen

Dance Me to the End of Love Leonard Cohen’s lyrics are sheer poetry: “Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin. Dance me through the panic ‘til I’m gathered safely in. Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove.” The...

Power not peonies:celebrating Mother’s Day by Hilary Hunt for Sherri Rosen Publicity

It’s 2013. Why is motherhood still so controversial? Why are the young women who choose “retro” lives making such a fuss about it? Why are the elder feminists so fearful of it, as though the choice of childrearing by intelligent young...

As JT would say “Shower the people you love with love” by Sherri Rosen

Shower the People you Love with Love Whenever it’s been one of those days—you know, the rainy, gloomy, tough kind of days—I turn up James Taylor’s “Shower the People you Love with Love” and dance. It’s what I call a...

Inspirational Publicity-That’s what I do by Sherri Rosen

Sometimes you might hear people say that there are too many books in the world. In a day of internet and television, who needs the printed word anymore? But we here love books with something not unlike romance or patriotism. We love good...

Pink’s Invite: Reach for your dreams!!!

Pink’s Invitation: Reach for your Dreams “You’ve gotta get up and try, try, try.” How many times have we had to say this to ourselves? The words to Pink’s new video/song Try are my sentiments about, well, pretty much everything in our...

Surround yourself with good people both in work and in play by Sherri Rosen

Through the years I have realized that by having a great deal of experience, it is so important, to surround myself both in business and in my personal life with people who have my back. Meaning in business, it's important to work with men and...

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