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Posts Tagged ‘women’

Give Me Your Truth: A Candid look at pr profiles on dating sites by Sherri Rosen

Give Me Your Truth: A Candid Look at PR Profiles on Dating Sites Online dating often gets a bad rap. The black hole of the internet. Sour first dates. Stalkers. You get the idea. But online dating can be a practical and efficient way to meet...

Power not peonies:celebrating Mother’s Day by Hilary Hunt for Sherri Rosen Publicity

It’s 2013. Why is motherhood still so controversial? Why are the young women who choose “retro” lives making such a fuss about it? Why are the elder feminists so fearful of it, as though the choice of childrearing by intelligent young...

Inspirational Publicity-That’s what I do by Sherri Rosen

Sometimes you might hear people say that there are too many books in the world. In a day of internet and television, who needs the printed word anymore? But we here love books with something not unlike romance or patriotism. We love good...

Relationships never hide!!! or do they?

Relationships: Never Hide or do they? Sometimes love can run us over. Especially if we’re not confident in who we are, we will be tempted to change who we are in an effort to make the other person happy. We have good intentions. But these...

The big bad V-word

The Big Bad V-Word Did you know that it was once taboo to say the V-word? That’s right. It was once unacceptable to say vagina. But thanks to Eve Ensler with the Vagina Monologues, which share the painful stories about the violence that was...

What authors are saying about Sherri Rosen’s award winning ebook “Give Me Your Truth”

What Edie Weinstein, author of "The Bliss Mistress" is saying about Sherri Rosen's ebook " Give Me Your Truth"  I love the conversational, tell it like it is style. and the the wild red hair accents that are so YOU. This book invites the reader...

All or nothing publicity

All or Nothing Publicity  When it comes to publicity, it’s all or nothing. It’s not enough to stand at the side lines and take notes. Whether you’re a writer or an artist, if you want to get the word out about your work, you have got to dive...

What to look for in a good publicist by Tyler Blanski & Sherri Rosen (also on audio) What to look for in a good Publicist  What should we look for in a good publicist could depend on a lot of things. There are a lot of publicists, and all of them claim to offer the...

Why do we try to put on colorful masks when we really feel like sh*t?

Also on audio: Why do we try to put on colorful masks when we really feel like sh*t Have you ever faked it? Have you ever pretended to be happier or healthier than you really felt?...

Self-Promotion: Why Authors Take Pain Meds

Self-Promotion: Why Authors Take Pain Meds What is Self-Promotion, you ask? In a nutshell: the horrible and humiliating process of sharing your hard work with others, even your friends, only to find out that most of them don’t give a...

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