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Posts Tagged ‘men’

Give Me Your Truth: A Candid look at pr profiles on dating sites by Sherri Rosen

Give Me Your Truth: A Candid Look at PR Profiles on Dating Sites Online dating often gets a bad rap. The black hole of the internet. Sour first dates. Stalkers. You get the idea. But online dating can be a practical and efficient way to meet...

Why do we try to put on colorful masks when we really feel like sh*t?

Also on audio: Why do we try to put on colorful masks when we really feel like sh*t Have you ever faked it? Have you ever pretended to be happier or healthier than you really felt?...

How many of us can hang in there after saying “I love you”

It takes a lot of guts and courage to hang in there once you realize you love someone. I feel my relationships have made me realize that. It's also interesting to see and experience once I and my partner have intimately connected, shared our...

Having BOOM in your life

You must be wondering "what is she talking about boom in your life?" That boom is when someone or something makes you go weak in the knees, comes into your life unexpectedly and makes you feel quite like you have never felt before. Examples:...

Living life to its fullest and with intensity

I've always wanted to live life to its fullest with the greatest of intensity.  I just didn't realize I was doing it until just recently. I had belonged to this specific, unreligious spiritual community, Diamond Heart, which has made that...

What does it take to be a dad?

What does it take to be a Dad?  What does it take to be a good father? Some say fatherhood is about providing for the family financially. When the roof is leaking and when the utility bills pile up, a good dad will be able to write the checks....

Contemplations on love

I enjoy writing about love as you probably  can tell by my past blogs.  Love fascinates me, because without it in my life I would be dead. I used to think that love could only be in my life when it came from another person, but I was young...

Love makes the world go round? Say what?

Let Go and Let Love Spin!  Remember the old tune, Love Makes the World Go Round? It sounds like a cliché, a quick quip. Announcing that “love makes the world go round” over the dinner table on a Friday night will solicit little more than...

Have all of our relationships become business deals?

In the whirlwind of commerce, socializing, and late nights out, it can be difficult to discern what we really value and consider important. For example, sometimes when people say they “invest” in relationships it almost sounds like they really...

You won’t want to come to Tyler’s wedding because it will be plain and simple

I was very touched this week when my partner in crime for writing these blogs, Tyler Blanski, wrote about his upcoming marriage and wedding to his lady love on his  blog site TylerBlanski.Com. They are both  young and it's clear they want to...

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